Enchanted love

NightWind讨论 | 贡献2025年3月7日 (五) 19:37的版本 (创建页面,内容为“<nowiki>{{SongInfo</nowiki> |color1 = #50B8B9 |color2 = #4DAFAF |color3 = #449E9E |color4 = #79E9EA |title = enchanted love |image = Illustration.enchantedlove.linearring.0.png |illust = Ek0ru |artist = linear ring |length = 02:11 |bpm = 190 |date = 2025/03/07 |ver = 2.0.1 |disc = EX |ez = 3 |hd = 6 |in = 12+ |ezchart = shine |hdchart = shine |inchart = Ner the Enchanter |ezhit = 241 |hdhit = 425…”)
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|color1 = #50B8B9

|color2 = #4DAFAF

|color3 = #449E9E

|color4 = #79E9EA

|title = enchanted love

|image = Illustration.enchantedlove.linearring.0.png

|illust = Ek0ru

|artist = linear ring

|length = 02:11

|bpm = 190

|date = 2025/03/07

|ver = 2.0.1

|disc = EX

|ez = 3

|hd = 6

|in = 12+

|ezchart = shine

|hdchart = shine

|inchart = Ner the Enchanter

|ezhit = 241

|hdhit = 425

|inhit = 446

|ezcombo = 940

|hdcombo = 1676

|incombo = 1760

|ezscore = 1013900

|hdscore = 1023700

|inscore = 1020900


enchanted love是linear ring创作曲目,在BOFXVI个人战参赛作品中获得第九名<ref>https://bmsoffighters.net/bofxvi/result_single.html#single_score</ref>。


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|2025/02/15||“律动轨迹_Rizline”公布了enchanted love即将在Disc EX中更新。<ref>https://www.bilibili.com/opus/1034106149967757313</ref>



|加入了enchanted love,难度为{{diff|EZ|3}}、{{Diff|HD|6}}、{{diff|IN|12+}},价值1{{Coin}};<br>enchanted love的插画以500{{Dot}}的价格出售。



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